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File size:
46 086 bytes (45.01K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:57
Download count:
all-time: 391


._ ___. _____ ________ _____ __ ______ __ ______ ___________________________
| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |
         p^a-t023.txt was uploaded by [7ommy] at 19:24 on  5 Apr 1998
-- --------------------------  f i r s t  l i n e  ------------------------ - --

                          ._\   /
                          | \\ /_:_
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                   . :: |//__oO__\\| :: .
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                          |______||         .....|.....
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                |_______\                         t0!|_______\

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                \||  p r o v e s  y o u  w r o n g  w i t h  ||/
               .  |__________________________________________|

               :                                                .
      <-- - ---|---- Pe R  K    e        L                e ----|-
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               |         \/    |____\  |____\    \/            .|\/
               |                                            . .:|
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  __\_ \__ ____________
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\__\__\________\  \_____\\\  ______________________________________________ _ __
.                          \/
| Welcome!
| Still fighting the inactivity of the ascii scene. How? Atleast I've released
| something this year. Can you say that you've done the same?
| I was very suprised - and happy - today when I saw that Mo'Soul is back. One
| of the best groups back is exactly what the scene needs since most of the
| quality artists seems to be on a break.
| As you might've noticed, I've joined Pro Arts. So this is my very first and
| last collection for P^A. Don't worry, I'm not leaving the scene, just
| Pro Arts. Yes...
|                          [ I'M LEAVING PRO/\RTS! ]
|                                                           Why? Well, Nup has
| absolutely no clue about anything in his own group. Who's a member and who's
| not? I've asked him many times to send me some internal information about
| the group. Everytime I've asked, he has said that he'll send it soon, but I
| hear nothing from him. Not a word! Nup's a great artist and a nice guy, but
| a lousy (lazy) organizer. He should do like I did with Altern, kill the
| group if he doesn't feel like he has enough time or motivation to manage it.
| So I'm leaving them since I don't feel like being in a group just for the
| fame of the name. I'll go my own way, as I've always done and always will.
| Cheers to Speed Devil who's the only P^A member I've had - more or less -
| contact with.
| This means that I'm open for suggestions about joining your group. If you're
| managing a group which produces quality art, is at least a little bit
| active, has some contact between the members and wants me to be a member,
| feel free to write me a mail or contact me on IRC.
| Btw. "Nice" to see that I haven't improved when it comes to designing my
| collections. Extra clean and minimalistic this time, though. I.e. the very
| opposite of Folar's last release. ;)
|_                                       - tOMMY/nOICE^LOOKERhOUSE^ex.pRO/\RTS
 /___________________________________________________________________________ __

                                     \   /_.               ___      ___
                                   _:_\ // |    ___________\_ \__ __\_ \__ _____
                                    |/ \/ \|  __\______  \   _  /_\   _  /_\   /
__ _ _______________________________/__Oo__\__\_____\_____\__\__\-____\________\
                                    |      |                                   .
  01 aLIEN tECHNOLOGY     Behemoth  |      | 02 vALIKKO              Radicator |
  03 dISPLAY              Radicator |_  _  | 04 cANNABIS             Woober    |
  05 wOOBER               Woober     /_____| 06 eTERNITY             Woober    |
  07 aRCADE               Dezibel   _ _____. 08 aURINKO              Phobia    |
  09 aUR [file_id.diz]    Phobia    \))____| 10 eMBRACE tHE dARKNESS Tango     |
  11 tHE bLUE oYSTER bAR  Brane     .______. 12 cHIPTUNES            Venturus  |
  13 tHE pRESS            Eksotic   |._   .| 14 eKSOTIC              Eksotic   |
  15 fINE LINE            Zoltrix   ||/   || 16 fAIRLIGHT            Zoltrix   |
  17 mESSAGE bASE         Avenger   |     :|                                  _|
__ _________________________________|     .|__________________________________\

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.01  aLIEN tECNO(LOGY)     Behemoth   ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                        __ /\.
                      :_\//  |
                  ____|_\/  _|        __   ______    ______
                __\__  /____\ \     __\ \__\____/  __\__  /__
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                  \____\____\\\\  /__/\____\\\\  /__/\____\____\
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         \____\    \     _\__\    \____\ _ _\__  \    \    \    \    \
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                \____\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/\____\____\____\____\\\\  /__/
        - --t0!-------|  \/  |-----\/----------------------------\/--- -

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.02  vALIKKO |     :|      Radicator  ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

   _\ ____________                        ____      ____
     \          _/____    __        __   _\   \    _\   \    ______
      \       __X__  /____\ \     __\ \__\ \   \ __\ \   \ __\__  /__
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        \     /\\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \    \\\\__/   \\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \
         \   /  \____\____\\\\  /__/\____\____\    \____\    \\\\  /__/
   - -t0!-\ /-----------------\/---------------\____\----\____\--\/-------- -

   _\ ____________                        ____      ____
     \          _/____    __        __   _\   \    _\   \    ______
      \       __X__  /____\ \     __\ \__\ \   \ __\ \   \ __\__  /__
       \      \/_ _\__  \    \____\    \ _ _\__/_\ _ _\__/_\    \    \
        \     /\\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \    \\\\__/   \\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \
         \   /  \____\____\\\\  /__/\____\____\    \____\    \\\\  /__/
   - -t0!-\ /-----------------\/---------------\____\----\____\--\/-------- -

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.03  dISPLAY |     :|      Radicator  ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                  .... ::
         ______   :__:..____      ______    __        ______    ______
       __\__  /___:\ \_:\  /______\__  /____\ \     __\__  /____\ \  /__
       \    \    \:   \:____    \ _ _\__  \    \____\ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \
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         \\\\  /__/\___:\\\\  /__/\____\    \\\\  /__/\____\____\____\
   - -t0!----\/---:----:----\/------------------\/------------------------- -

                  .... ::
         ______   :__:..____      ______    __        ______    ______
       __\__  /___:\ \_:\  /______\__  /____\ \     __\__  /____\ \  /__
       \    \    \:   \:____    \ _ _\__  \    \____\ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \
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         \\\\  /__/\___:\\\\  /__/\____\    \\\\  /__/\____\____\____\
   - -t0!----\/---:----:----\/------------------\/------------------------- -

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.04  cANNABIS|     :|      Woober     ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                                                              .... ::
   ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ____/\   :__:..____
 __\__  /____\__  /____\__  /____\__  /____\__  /____\__/  \ _:\ \_:\  /____
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   \\\\  /__/\____\____\____\____\____\____\____\____\________/\___:\\\\  /__/
- -----\/-------------------------------------------------t0!-:----:----\/--- -

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.05  wOOBER  |     :|      Woober     ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

            ____________________________________________________________ _   _
        t0! \  \______________________________  __________________  ______ _
       __    \    \   ______    ______    ____/\    ______    ____/\
     __\ \____\    \__\__  /____\__  /____\__/  \ __\____/  __\__/  \
     \    \  /_\    \    \    \    \    \ _ _\__/_\     _\__\ _ _\__/__
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       \\\\  /_\_____/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/\________/\\\\  /__/\____\    \
    _ _____\/_____________\/________\/__________________\/__________\__  \
  _   _ _______________________________________________________________\__\

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.06  eTERNITY|     :|      Woober     ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                    ___.                             .... ::___. ____
         ___________\  |______    ____/\    ______   :__:___\  |_\  /__
       __\_________   _______/  __\__/  \ __\__  /___:\  __   ___ \    \
       \     _\___|   \     _\__\ _ _\__/_\    \    \:   \|   \ _ _\__  \
        \ _ _\__  \    \ _ _\__  \\\\__/   \    \    \    \    \\\\__/__/
         \\\\  /__/    |\\\\  /__/\____\    \____\___:\___:\   |\____\
      - -----\/---|____|----\/----------\____\--t0!--:....|____|-------- -

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.07  aRCADE  |     :|      Dezibel    ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                          ____    ___   __  _ ____\ __
                          \   \___\  \__\ \_\\\    \_____
           ______    ____/\\   ______    ______     \    \   ______
         __\__  /____\__/  \\__\__  /____\__  /______\    \__\____/
         \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__/_\    \____\ _ _\__  \    \    \     _\___
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                        t0!\____\  \/ _ __  ___   ____ \/\       \/
                               __\ ___\\\ \_\  \__\   \___\

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.08  aURINKO |     :|      Phobia     ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                                     .... ::          ____
        ______    ______    ____/\   :__:..______    _\   \    ______
      __\__  /____\ \  /____\__/  \ _:\ \_:\__  /____\ \   \ __\__  /__
      \ _ _\__  \    \    \ _ _\__/_\:   \:   \    \ _ _\__/_\    \    \
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        \____\____\\\\  /__/\____\   :\___:\____\____\____\    \\\\  /__/
     - ---------------\/-------t0!\__:_\..:----------------\____\--\/--- -

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.09  aUR     |     :|      Phobia     ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

:: .....................______
 ..:                  _:\__  /__ . .........
 :   Blahblahblahblah \:_ _\__  \     aURIn:
 : blahphobiablahblahb \\\\__/_ _\__/\    K:
 : lahblahblahsucksbla :\    \\\\__/  \   O:
 : handblahblahblahbla :t\    \   _\__/__ o:
 : hblahblahblahheblah :0!\ _ _\__\__/   \.:
 : blahisblahlameblah! :...\\\\  /___\    \:
 :.....................:       \/     \____\

    Cut out the file below and Base64 decode it with the name "THX.Perkele".
         If you have a PC - too bad! There's no THX player for PC yet.
--8<----------------------------------------------------------------------- - --
-- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------->8--

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.10  eMBRACE tHE dARKNESS  Tango      ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

       ._______.                                                  ____. ::
       |  _____|                                               _:_\   |_.
_____  | _\____\____    ____/\    ____/\    ______    ______    |_____  |
____/  |_\_____:_  /____\__/  \ __\__/  \ __\__  /____\__  /____\____/  |
   _\__\ _ _\  : \__  \ _ _\__/_\ _ _\__/_\ _ _\__  \    \____\ :   _\__|
_ _\__ :\\\\__ :   /   \\\\__/   \\\\__/   \\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \:_ _\__ :\
\\\  /_:/\____\:___\    \________/\____\    \____\____\\\\  /__/\\\\  /_:/
   \/  |.      |    \____\              \____\            \/    |   \/  |
       ||      |               __/_  |_____ __                  |     / |
       |.      |      .eMBRACE  /    |    //_/                  |/\\ //\|
  _____|_______|___________    /____\|   //____\ DARKNESs.     _/  \_/  \_
  \    \\______:__________/      ____   /                      )___o|O___(
   \   :\   ___|__    ____/\    _\   \    ______    ______    __|_  _   |___
____\  : \__\__: /____\__/  \ __\ \   \ __\__  /____\____/  __\ :/______\  /____
\    \ :  \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__/_\ _ _\__/_\    \    \     _\__\___:_    \_:___
 \ _ _\:_  \\\\:_/   \\\\__/   \\\\__/   \    \    \ _ _\__  \ _:_\__  \:_ _\__
  \\\\  /__/\__:_\____\____\    \____\    \____\____\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /_
      \/t0!  __|_           \____\    \____\            \/      | \/    |   \/
       |_____\ :                                                |_______|

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.11  tHE blUE|oYSTER|bAR   Brane      ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                                  |  /_:_
                              ____/\   |__        ______    ______
          __/_  |____ __    __\__/: \ _|\ \     __\ \  /____\____/ t0!
           /    |   //_/    \ _ _\:_/_\:   \____\    \    \     _\___
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                  /           \___:____/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/
                                  | _  |    \/        \/        \/
   - ---------------------------- | /_ | ---------------------------------- -
      ______    ______    ____ _ _| \/ |______    ____/\
    __\__  /____\ \  /____\  /_____   _______/  __\__/  \     |____ /\ ____.
    \    \    \ _ _\__  \_____    \   \     _\__\ _ _\__/__   |   // \\\   |
     \ _ _\__  \\\\__/__/\ _ _\__  \   \ _ _\__  \\\\__/   \  |__//____\\
      \\\\  /__/\____\    \\\\  /__/   |\\\\  /__/\____\    \
          \/                  \/ _|__  |    \/          \____\
                                  : /__|

                                  |  /_:_
                              ____/\   |__        ______    ______
          __/_  |____ __    __\__/: \ _|\ \     __\ \  /____\____/ t0!
           /    |   //_/    \ _ _\:_/_\:   \____\    \    \     _\___
          /____\|  //____\   \\\\_:/   \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \
                  /           \___:____/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/
                                  | _  |    \/        \/        \/
   - ---------------------------- | /_ | ---------------------------------- -
      ______    ______    ____ _ _| \/ |______    ____/\
    __\__  /____\ \  /____\  /_____   _______/  __\__/  \     |____ /\ ____.
    \    \    \ _ _\__  \_____    \   \     _\__\ _ _\__/__   |   // \\\   |
     \ _ _\__  \\\\__/__/\ _ _\__  \   \ _ _\__  \\\\__/   \  |__//____\\
      \\\\  /__/\____\    \\\\  /__/   |\\\\  /__/\____\    \
          \/                  \/ _|__  |    \/          \____\
                                  : /__|

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.12  cHIPTUNES     :|      Venturus   ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

  ______    ______    __   ______:_\  |_ _
__\__  /____\ \  /____\ \__\__  ___   _///
\    \____\ _ _\__  \    \ _ _\__  \  |
 \ _ _\__  \\\\__/   \    \\\\__/__/  |_____    ______    ______    ____
  \\\\  /__/\____\____\____\____\|  __| \  /____\__  /____\____/  __\  /____
      \/        _             t0!|  \    \    \    \    \     _\__\_____    \
           _ __| |  __/\  __ _   |   \ _ _\__  \    \    \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \
                 |_|    \/       :    \\\\  /__/\____\____\\\\  /___\\\\  /__/
                                 .        \/                  \/        \/

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.13  tHE pRESS     :|      Eksotic    ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                   _:_\  /_.
                    | \\// |    __/_  |____ __
                    |/ \/ \|     /    |   //_/
              - ----/__oO__\--- /____\|  //____\ --------------- -
                ____|_ _  _|__/\    ______    ____      ____
              __\__  /____\__/  \ __\____/  __\  /______\  /____
              \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__/_\     _\__\_____    \_____    \
               \\\\__/__/\\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \
                \____\ t0!\____\    \\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/
                    |    __|_   \____\  \/        \/        \/
                    |____\ :

                   _:_\  /_.
                    | \\// |    __/_  |____ __
                    |/ \/ \|     /    |   //_/
              - ----/__oO__\--- /____\|  //____\ --------------- -
                ____|_ _  _|__/\    ______    ____      ____
              __\__  /____\__/  \ __\____/  __\  /______\  /____
              \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__/_\     _\__\_____    \_____    \
               \\\\__/__/\\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \ _ _\__  \
                \____\ t0!\____\    \\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/\\\\  /__/
                    |    __|_   \____\  \/        \/        \/
                    |____\ :

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.14  eKSOTIC |     :|      Eksotic    ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                                     . .:.. . ...
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                                    |     .|
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               -- [  nR.15  fINE LINE     :|      Zoltrix    ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

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             :....:              \/ |   o  |   \/   :....:              \/
  - --------------------------------|______|-------------------------------- -

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  - --------------------------------|______|-------------------------------- -

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     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.16  fAIRLIGHT     :|      Zoltrix    ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

                     .... ::                  .... ::                   ___.
  ______    ______   :__:..____/\    __       :__:..____      ______ ___\  |_ _
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 \\\\__/   \\\\__/   \    \\\\__/   \ _ _\__  \    \ _ _\__  \\\\__/   \   |
  \____\    \____\___:\___:\____\    \\\\  /__/\___:\\\\  /__/\____\____\  |t0!
                     :....:      \____\  \/   :....:    \/            |____|

                                    |    /_:_
                                    |      |
     _.|                                                                |._
     \||  P R O /\ R T S  " P E R K E L E "  [ C ]  1 9 9 8  T O M M Y  ||/
                                    |     .|
                                    |     ||
               -- [  nR.17  mESSAGE bASE  :|      Avenger    ] --
                                    |_.   .|
                                  ._. |____|

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                    \________/\____\____\\\\  /__/\\\\  /___\ |____\ :
                                            \/        \/             .

               ____________________________________________________________ _ __                            This text was just added to get a nice size!
         _ __:_\
  ___________|___   cREDITS
__\   _________  \  -------
\__\__\   / \_____\ The Tommy logo was made by ........ Nup
       \__\  |      The rest of the art was made by ... Tommy
             |      gENERAL iNFO
             |      ------------
             |      Name of collection ................ Perkele
             |      Name of file ...................... p^a-t023.txt
             |      Size .............................. 44.444
             |      Amount of lines ................... 1.000
             |      Release date ...................... April 5th 1998
             |      rESPECTS
             |      --------
             |      Arclite, Art, Contra, Dezign, Epsilon Design, Low Profile,
             |      Mo'Soul, Pro Arts, Style and Upperclass.
             |      gREETINGS
             |      ---------
             |      To all my friends inside and outside the scene. You know
             |      who you are. Also some handshakes to all the people who
             |      keeps #ascii alive.
             |      cONTACT mE
             |      ----------
             |      E-mail ............................
             |      IRC ............................... /msg [7ommy]
             |      ................................... /join #ascii (IRCnet)
             |      ICQ ............................... 8014306
             |_______________________________________________________________ __

               _.|                                            |._
               \||  Y o u ' v e  b e e n  w a t c h i n g  a  ||/
         __      __          __           __  __          __
        _\_\____/ _\____  ___\ \__ _   ___\ \_\_\____  ___\_\______ _
        \______/ /_____ \ \  _\ \_\\\  \  _\ \______ \ \  _________\\\
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          t0! \_\     \_\ \ \_\ \___\      \ \ \_\ \_\ \ \ \_\ \___\ \_\
                           \_\ \_\          \_\         \_\         \_\
                    _.|                               /_.._
                    \||  r e l e a s e  i n  1 9 9 8 .  ||/

      _ ______/\   \ ___    /\______ _
   ___\\\__  //\\/\ \\ / /\//\\  __///___
   \       \    \/\\ \/ //\/    /       /
    \    _ _\      \\  //      /_ _    /
 t0! \   \\\_________\//      __///   / p^a
  .___\_______\ ____ /_______/_______/___.
_.|                                      |._
\||  "pERKELE"  [C] 1998 tOMMY/pRO/\RTS  ||/

             _.|                                              /_.._
             \||  N o w  y o u  h a v e  s e e n  i t  a l l .  ||/

-- - -------------------------  l a s t  l i n e  --------------------------- --
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| _)  |____  _)  ._  /.)  _/__ _)  __/__ _)  __/__                         /.
 .\   ._  (_.\   |/   |____  (_\  _/   (_\  _/   (_  the jolly little bot · |
_|    |/   /|    /   _   |/   /   \     /   \     /. of ircnet's #ascii..   |
\_____/     .________\_____________________________|__ _                 _ _|_
. vtr/______|                                                               :
|              behemoth - cybergod - exile - fatal - red demon              .
|                                                                           .
|_          " one of the fastests ascii sources round the globe "           |